chat rules

1: please use your username. if you use one that is non-existant at either site you will have a short suspention, but if you use someone elses name you will be perminentally banned.NO EXCEPTIONS. if you wish to use a different name here, consult me first by e-mailing me(koulyo88@aol.ccom).
2: only use mild profanity on occation if you must use it at all. punishment for this rule will start with a warning and then progress more seriously.
3: no putting down of anything supported at either site ( although this chat room is not supported by either website, it is still a chat room designed for members there so it is important we do not put down what those site's support.
4: no spamming.
5: no using multiple usernames at once. since doing this would be break this rule and rule #1 at the same time, you will be perminentally banned. back to main